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The First Railroad Hub In The South

Echoing news; (An effort is underway to rekindle Weldon’s longstanding railroad history with a push to bring an Amtrak depot to the town.)

Weldon, The first railroad hub of the south

The First Railroad Hub In The South – You can only reminesce back to your childhood, origin, history of the place you will always call home.

From a humble beginning in Weldon, NC (Rockfish Capital of the World) before moving across the river to Garysburg (G-Town) projects. I went to school from kindergarten up to the 5th grade. 

Although my mom took us back and forth to Weldon Elementary School to finish my 5th grade, I did not start school in Garysburg until the 6th grade. She would tell us stories how people would get off the train in 

Weldon and never went back. Soldiers, and just people in general. Amazing how a small town had so much impact on people.   

Weldon was somewhat faster than G-Town. Weldon actually had a town with buildings, grocery stores, a couple banks, furniture stores and more. You actually had North and South Weldon. 

The Origin

Daniel Weldon was born in Henrico County, Va. On 11 Jan. 1753 Marmaduke Kimbrough sold him 1,273 acres of land on the south side of the Roanoke River on both sides of Chockoyotte Creek.

The Rebirth

Now officials look to rebirth a town that has suffered over the years. 

The Plan; “passenger rail service in Weldon will stimulate economic activity and spur private investment in the area around the rail station … (and) will support commercial activity by bringing visitors into proximity of shopping, retail, tourism and other destinations, thereby increasing business activity and tax revenues.” – Original Article

Always great for the home team…






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