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Tag Archives: anxiety

Magnesium For Anxiety: Foods To Add To Your Diet Today

Magnesium For Anxiety: Foods To Add To Your Diet Today

Owing to its well-known calming properties, magnesium is frequently called “nature’s valium” or “the original chill pill.” As anxiety becomes increasingly prevalent, individuals are actively seeking solutions to enhance their well-being, and one such approach is turning to magnesium as a remedy for anxiety. Many people don’t experience any improvement in their mood or stress

The 10 most common nightmares and what they could mean, from fights and illness to anxiety and failure

The 10 most common nightmares and what they could mean, from fights and illness to anxiety and failure

US Markets Loading… H M S Daniel Kaluuya experiences hypnotic induced nightmares as Chris in “Get Out.” Universal Pictures Despite all having unique lives and brains, many people have similar nightmares. Some of the most common nightmares include being chased, death, and physical fights. Though it’s not a perfect science, there are ways to interpret

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